Slither in bubble letters with eye and tongue coming out of the S next to a radiating red gem

Eat gems. Get long. Avoid yourself.

The classic Snake reborn with cute graphics. Sylvan the snake moves faster every 5 gems. Stay alive! Don't eat yourself. Features hand-drawn, scanned-in graphics and a minimal aesthetic.

Play it on your g-dang phone!

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Coming soon:

  • Android


Keyboard: WASD or arrow keys to turn | J/Z/Space to confirm | P/Esc to pause
Controller: D-Pad/Sticks to turn | A to confirm | Start to pause


Code, art, and sound by Brett Chalupa. Support my projects by donating here on or by becoming a patron.

Thanks to cromukent for help with the code and Akz for feedback.

Made with DragonRuby GTK.

Slither is dedicated to the public domain. View the source.

CC0 To the extent possible under law, Brett Chalupa has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Slither. This work is published from: United States.


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Version 1.1 4.2 MB
Version 1.1 5.5 MB
Version 1.1 4 MB
Version 1.1
slither-android.apk 7.9 MB

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